On the one hand, he wants to wait before he talks.(一方面,他想在他说话之前先等一等。)
On the one hand, we want to get better and better at it.(一方面,我们希望在这方面干的越来越好。)
On the one hand, this gives us an unprecedented opportunity.(一方面,这给了我们一次前所未有的机会。)
On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice,democracy and freedom.(一方面,它提供了分析诸如正义、民主和自由等思想的机会。)
On the one hand, teachers impose what they believe is right on students. On the other hand, the juveniles always go against the teacher's requirement with a rebellious heart.(一方面,老师把他们认为正确的东西强加给学生。另一方面,青少年总是怀着叛逆的心违背老师的要求。)
On the one hand, I was impersonating a dog.(一方面来说,我,一个正经人类,在冒充一只小狗。)
What's the metaphysical composition of people, on the one hand?(一方面要搞清形而上学中,人的构造是什么)
In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating.(在一个相关联的发展进程中,博物馆和名胜古迹与主题公园之间的明显区别正在逐渐消失。)
On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.(一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。)
On the one hand, Freud made his start as a neuroscientist.(一方面,弗洛伊德在一开始时是一位神经学家。)
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